Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sleepy pups

We took the doggies to the dog park today!
Ace had fun annoying little dogs and
Chelsea just seemed happy to be there!
The boys had a half day, as usual on Wednesday. I met my friends for breakfast at Ground Control - as usual on Wednesday -well, we don't always go to Ground Control, but we always try to meet for breakfast on Wednesdays. I had a cheese danish & white chocolate mocha coffee.
Yesterday we took a ton of stuff to Goodwill to donate. Randy helped me make dinner last night too! Spaghetti, Texas toast and salad! - YUM! Tonight it's breakfast for dinner!!
I'm still reading "The Gargoyle" by Andrew Davidson - hopefully I'll finish it soon. I've been spending way too much time on Facebook - I have to cut down, so I can do other things!
So the Cardinals are in the Super Bowl - amazing!! That's the first weekend in February.
The second weekend is the Renaissance Festival!!! WooooooHooooo!! I love the RenFest!!!!!
Then we want to go camping!! Just have to see if anyone else wants to/or can come with us!
Valentine's Day is in there somewhere too -- goofy holiday.... I got the boys "Fun Dip" valentines to hand out in school. They want to eat them though -- I need to hide them for a couple of weeks, so they have something to give out! :)

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