Monday, January 19, 2009

The past few days....

It was nice coming home to dinner, made by Jeff on Saturday after work. He made breaded pork, noodles and corn. It was delicious! Sunday we spent most of the day cleaning out the garage and watching the Cardinals game (on the TV in the garage). We got rid of a bunch of stuff and organized the rest. After the garage was all cleaned up, "Clownie" actually fit inside - so now we only have my car outside. Michele, the girls and her sister-in-law came over to meet Chelsea and give her and Ace some love and attention. Keith spent most of Sunday at my parent's house. He made a friend and played outside the whole time. For dinner, we went to Applebee's for some steak, fajitas, and burgers and watched the Steelers game. It was a great weekend!

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