Sunday, October 21, 2007

A nice surprise

We got Ghosted!!
The boys (that would be Randy and Jeff) were playing Battlefield. Keith was going back and forth between watching them and talking my ear off while I was sitting at the computer.
The door bell rang - and of course nobody wanted to get up to answer the door - which I'm sure was great for the door bell ringer because that person needed to get away without being spotted. Well I finally got up and turned the outside lights on and I saw no one! But I did see a bucket sitting in front of the door!!
Very exciting!! and sooooo unexpected! Once I read the letter accompanying the basket - it got even more exciting because now it's a mystery... who left it on the doorstep? Will I ever find out? Tomorrow we will have to leave our own goodies at some one's door! :-) I have to go shopping!

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