Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Sumo Jeff --- this costume is GREAT!!!!
Can you believe he only won second prize?
I thought for sure he'd be number 1!!!! Oh well - I love it! It cracks me up!!!!
Halloween was fun!
The boys got lots of candy!
More than enough to last us until next year.
We had some friends trick or treating with us...

two little witches to go along with Boba Fett and Darth Vader. Randy is Boba and Keith is Darth.
And if anyone wants some candy, please let me know because we'll be more than happy to share! There are KitKats, Milky Ways, Twix, lollipops galore, nerds, licorice, Runts, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups (but we're not sharing those), Tootsie Rolls, Mary Janes, Bit O' Honey, gum, M&M's, Mike and Ikes, Bottles Caps, etc......
Oh, the tooth ache, I can feel it now.

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