Sadly, Chelsea is no longer with us. She had to be put down on Thursday the 17th of this month. The meds were not helping her and our vet determined that she must have cancer. We could have gone through lots of tests and tried chemo and the like, but the end all result would have been the same. We chose not to put her through all of that. So she is now in doggie heaven :(
On a happier note... Keith finally lost his first tooth!!! That happened on Saturday the 19th! He got a dollar from the tooth fairy and scored $4 from Mama & Papa!
The boys will be off from school for two weeks for fall break soon. We are planning on going camping (hopefully we'll actually go this time).
Tonight is Family Math Night at school. The boys are looking forward to going because if they show up, they will be excused from doing some homework! What an incentive! We'll be heading there shortly.
I finally got some strawberry rhubarb pie!! I've only been craving it for the past week!! Seems like the only store around here that ever has it is Fry's. So after trying three other stores, we went to Fry's and I got the last strawberry rhubarb pie!! Can't wait to have some with a scoop of vanilla ice cream later!!!
What else is going on? I can't think of anything too exciting. The boys are now proud owners of BB guns - we picked those up when we visited the indoor swap-meet on Sunday. And that same day, Keith managed to break his. Is everything made like crap these days? Yeah, that was a rhetorical question.