Friday, December 5, 2008

A bit of info....

Thanks to my friend John, I am no longer quite as freaked out about the registered sex offender who moved in across the street. John is a detective in California and he deals with juvenile crimes, including child abuse and juveniles as offenders. He's also in charge of registering and monitoring his city's sex offender population. And he's lucky enough to talk to crazy people like me when they get freaked out about a child molester moving into their neighborhood.
What you need to do is educate your children. Make sure they know what is inappropriate as far as touching goes.... when it's ok, when it's not. Warn them about strangers, of course. Tell them that if someone does something to them, and then tells the child not to tell anyone because it's a secret or they threaten to hurt mom or dad if the child tells -- make sure that your child knows to tell you!! Just because you know that there is a convicted sex offender living across the street, doesn't mean you should keep your child in a bubble. And who knows about the guy next door that has never been caught? So, talk to your children!! Thanks John!!!! :-)

1 comment:

mrednorb said...

Thanks for sharing the advice!