Sunday, October 26, 2008


It's Sunday and I'm off from work - it's so nice to be off - I worked the last four weekends since the kids had half days and the two weeks off. Today I get to catch up on a ton of laundry, possibly do some cleaning, water my plants outside, clean up the yard, sew Ryla's apron, clean the carpets with Iza's steam cleaner (since mine is broken - thanks for letting me borrow it Iza!), maybe make some lunch, probably some dinner too and then go work for a staff meeting. Now all I have to do is - get off this computer and start doing all that stuff!
Speaking of computers, mine is having serious issues. Jeff will be getting me a new one soon. So I am not on line much because of the issues and I've found that I get a lot more stuff done without having a computer!

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