Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What going on?

Not much. Things are boring and everything costs too darn much! That's very annoying. Jeff scheduled all the bills and did the budget for the coming year last night --- it's very depressing! I need more lottery tickets! I checked the mail - and you guessed it - we didn't receive any million dollar checks yet. Hey - I can always hope. I know, in the meantime I should be doing something to help out the situation, but it's easier to just sit back and wish for stuff!
At this rate, I'll never get to Hawaii! I need to sell more products -- that's Jeff's answer to getting more money. I'm not a very good salesperson, but I'm working on it. BK bought me the book "The Greatest Salesman In The World" by Og Mandino. I'm reading it -- and I'll keep reading it. I will make it work.
I can't believe September is almost over!! The boys will have 1/2 days next Wednesday, Thursday & Friday and then they are off for the following two weeks! I want to take them to Bisbee -- Ok, I really want to take myself to Bisbee, but they might enjoy it too. My mom's friends, who live in Sierra Vista are waiting for my parents to visit them --- they may just have to settle for my mom, me and the boys (maybe Ace too)! Bisbee isn't all that far from them and Tombstone is close too. I love Tombstone, in case you didn't already know that. But you see, here's where the money comes in again.... We need some to go on trips!!!!! Ok, I work Thursday, Friday and Saturday - and as Jeff would say -- I'll have to shake everybody's pockets!!
I was helping out in Randy's class today and the teacher asked the kids if they've ever walked in snow.... I felt so bad because Randy never has! He looked at me all sad! I have to take these boys to go play in snow!!!!!!! It's a MUST! They're missing out! At least they get to play with chickens! Haha! Tomorrow is Wednesday and they're going to Eric and Jason's house- they have chickens and geese and dogs, puppies and kitties. Ahhhh - I'm out of coffee -- need to go get some more!
Forget the coffee- I got distracted looking at old pictures. Look how tiny Randy was!!!!!!! Keith wasn't quite so tiny.Here's Randy weed- whacking... or was he Keith- whacking? No, Randy would never do that - he's a good kid - he may not like his brother all that much, but he wouldn't weed-whack him (would he?). Speaking of Tombstone, this was us in 2003 with Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Alissa!


mrednorb said...

Randy looks so sweet in the weed whacker pic, even though he has a "weed whacker" never his baby bro!! Great pictures - thanks for sharing! Where did you get the fruity booty? we usually only find regular booty, but fruity sounds good tooty!

mrednorb said...

I meant near his bro, not never. (and I can't even blame it on the "p" key!)