Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Oh the horror!! And the smell.....P-U!!!!!!!!

Let me start off with the good parts of the day. We woke up, everything was peaceful, and uneventful. Only had a tiny bit of cat yak to clean up. We had some breakfast, played on our computers for a while, then we went bowling. We met up with Amy, Jacob, Andrew, Michele, Grace, Brooke, Lisa, Colin and Genevieve. Of course I forgot to take the camera!! The kids bowled for an hour and I talked for an hour! We went home to have some lunch... each one of us ate something different. Keith had rice krispies with cinnamon, Randy had soup and I had grilled cheese with muenster cheese - beats the pants off boring old Kraft American cheese!!
I know, I know... get to the horror and the stink. I'm getting there.
After we ate, we made our ritual trip to WalMart. We managed to spend way more money than I intended, but we got some yummy stuff. When we got home, I started putting the groceries away and that's when it happened! What happened? The dang jar of minced garlic jumped out of the fridge, tried to make a run for it, but it didn't get very far before it exploded on the floor!!!! Glass everywhere! Stink galore!! Let me tell you how much fun it was to clean all that up ---- on second thought, I'll just let you use your imagination. On the plus side, the kitchen floor is clean now and so are the bathroom, laundry room and family room floors.
Anyway, off to make some potato salad, polish kielbasi and some veggies!

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