Thursday, December 20, 2007


Randy's birthday!!!!!
He's 8 years old!!!
I baked him a lop-sided cake and he got to open some pretty cool presents!
My parents and grandparents came over for dinner and cake.
Randy got Electronic Battleship - from Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Alissa.
He got an Air Hogs Helicopter from mom and dad.
He got a "Forces of Valor" tank from Keith.
Mama and Papa and Auntie got him a Star Wars playset and money.
They even bought an i-Dog for Keith.
Both Keith and Randy got money from "Old Mama" and "Old Papa".
Yesterday Keith stayed home from school.
He has pink eye!
He was going to miss out on making a gingerbread house in class, so we got the fixins and made one at home.
Today I took him to the doctor's and we got some ointment to put in his eye.
Let me tell you how much fun that is...
Ok, I'll spare you the details. Hopefully it works.
It seems like Ginger kitty really likes our new friend Mr. Wiggles. I spotted her hanging out on top of his cage twice today. I leave his door open quite often - maybe one day I'll find her inside there with him.


Anonymous said...

Pink Eye?! Yuck. Knock on wood, I still haven't had it to this day.

That cake looks yummy

Anonymous said...


I can't believe that he is 8 already. What a handsome boy!