Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas 2011

Bicycles, video cards and bears... oh my.
Actually, no bears :)

 Boring shirts with hats and microsoft points.

Randy looks thrilled.  

Keith trying the bike on for size.

Stuff from friends...

Video card - but you had to be there!  So much enthusiasm and then he asks, "what is it?" LOL

Presents first, then breakfast!  But I didn't take any pictures of that.
Happy New Year!!

Christmas Eve...

Dinner and presents at Mama and Papa's house.

Randy's 12th Birthday 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

Turkey day 2011

The older I get, the faster time keeps going by.  And the fewer pictures I take.
Here are the three whole pictures that I took on Thanksgiving...

 The turkey with lots of greenery.  It was tasty, but I didn't eat the green stuff.  :)

 Jeff is closing his eyes, but since I didn't notice that, I didn't take another picture!!

Hurry up and take the picture already!  I'm hungry!!
The food was good and I'm ready for more!