Friday, February 27, 2009

Staying home...

Randy woke up coughing and congested today. He started coughing yesterday. Being sick is never fun, but staying home from school is. I had to call out of work too. I don't mind staying home :) but I do hate calling out. Oh well, I have to work Saturday and Sunday - so I'm already making up for it! Keith is at school even though he tried his best at coughing this morning!
LOL I didn't fall for it.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

What happened today?

Nothing too special happened today.
Work was steady for me, one customer after another - that was good.
After school we went to Mama and Papa's house because Papa and Midgie needed haircuts.
I set Papa up on Facebook!
I had a hankerin' for burritos today (and no cooking desire), so I got us some Chipotle.
Well I got Chipotle for Jeff and me and the boys got Wendy's.
Mama and Papa have started to walk the neighborhood for some exercise,
today they stopped by to pick up Ace and Chelsea and Keith -
so they could join them on their walk. Those doggies love walking -
I guess Keith does too, especially when he can have a gun in hand!
It's time to watch (and cringe at) the Suns play the Lakers.
Good night all!

Monday, February 23, 2009


We decided to try making these wheat-free and gluten free brownies.
They were not very yummy according to Keith, but Randy thought they were very yummy.
Next time we'll just make regular brownies!

What a weekend!

Here's Chelsea - sporting the Suns' shirt that didn't fit Ace - just thought she looked cute, so I wanted to share the picture.
Friday the boys and I went to dinner with Anyu, Apu and Cathy at TGIFridays! That was yummy! Lisa, Jack, Colin & Gen came over that night to visit our doggies. They are thinking about adopting a Greyhound!!! Jeff didn't go to Rosita's - last minute change of plans.

Saturday we went to IKEA! I love that place. We got some new bedding, pillows, a lamp, a strainer, serving dishes, some picture frames, and other stuff, but I can't remember it all right now. Of course we ate there too- that's almost my favorite part! We also went to Dick's Sporting Goods - that wasn't much fun - we didn't get anything there.

Yesterday we went to Barnes and Noble - we got girl scout cookies there - (ok we didn't get girl scout cookies from B&N, but they were set up out front!), Target, Starbucks, Sleep America and Denny's. I got the final book in the Twilight series. We didn't get anything at Starbucks. We bought a new mattress and we chowed down at Denny's.

Does it get any better than this? Yes - it does when your boys help you make dinner and help clean up the dog poo from the backyard! Keith helped me make dinner the other night - he's quite the little chef - I think he may have gotten that gene from "Chef Homie"! :)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

One thing after another...

Monday was a nice quiet day. The boys were off from school for President's Day. We got some Taco Bell for lunch and just took it easy hanging out at home. Jeff went into work early, so he got home earlier than usual.
Tuesday the boys went back to school. I helped out in Randy's class. It was McTeacher Night at McDonalds last night. The teachers were working there for two hours - doing a fundraiser for the school. It was a mad house, but the least we could do was go and order some hamburgers and watch the teachers work! The boys had McDonalds; Jeff and I had some homemade stir-fry... You can see the chef preparing the scrumpious dinner. Yes, I am spoiled - all I did was cut up the meat!
Today I met Amy and Lisa at Paradise Bakery for breakfast. I had the hugest breakfast croissant - it was crazy big - I could barely eat half of it! It was tasty though. Then I went to PetCo to get our pets some stuff. Pig-pig needed bedding and pellets. The kitties got some interesting looking salmon snacks and the doggies got some very healthy, yogurt, apple and banana treats. All the critters are happy.
After school, a friend of Keith's, who lives (or should we now say, used to live) a few blocks from us, came to our door after getting off the school bus. Austin is 6, just like Keith. He said that he's supposed to be at our house. I hadn't heard from his mom, so I told him he should go home first and ask his mom if he could come over. He told me that they don't live in our subdivision anymore - this was news to me. I was confused - why did he get on the bus then? Where was he supposed to be?? I called his mom and sure enough they are in the process of moving and she forgot that it was Wednesday (a half day of school) - so she was not there to pick him up at the bus stop! They're moving to the next subdivision down the street, so it only took her a few minutes to get here and tell me the story. She is sick and the doctors can't pin down what's wrong with her. The main reason they're moving is because she can not go up and down the stairs anymore - she's in constant pain - then on top of that, she just found out that she needs to have a hysterectomy. Wow! When it rains it pours! Right now I am ever so thankful for all that we have and that we are all well!!!
After Austin left, the boys did their homework and then we went out back to pull weeds and clean up doggie poop. I opened the back gate to get our garbage cans and Chelsea the speed demon got out. She bolted down the street and of course I can't run to save my life, nevermind run after a 45 mph Greyhound!!!! I ended up seeing her standing by my parents' mailbox. As I got close to her, the little turd started to trot away from me. Luckily Randy was coming towards us and he was able to snag her collar. I had yelled to the boys when she took off - telling them that I was going after her -- the boys then split up to try to get her.... Randy headed my way and Keith went the other way. After Randy and I got Chelsea home, we needed to go find Keith. That little guy went all the way around the subdivision! He was headed home before we reached the end of the block!
Whew - quite a day and it's still not over! The boys are on their computers and I need to make dinner.... Polish sausage, mashed potatoes, corn and salad! I'm hungry!!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Renaissance Festival 2009...

On our way...

First thing we did was have our photo taken there.

This place is sooooo cool!!

Keith with his new mask and shield.

This is "GreenMan" - he is a walking tree - very cool!
We enjoyed taking it all in! I love the renaissance festival!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Begin the three day weekend...

Not really, because I have to work tomorrow and Jeff has to work on Monday. Only the boys have a three day weekend.
We are hoping to go to the Renaissance Festival on Sunday - it may actually happen because the forecast has changed and we shouldn't be getting any rain! wooohooo! I can't wait wear my noblewoman dress!! Homie and the boys are excited about dressing up too. I have to figure out how to fix my hair -- it doesn't help that I just got it cut today - those medieval chicks all had long hair!

I have sunflowers growing in my garden! How cool is that? There are three of them. One is completely open and other two aren't even close yet. I have some peppers and tomatoes growing too -- very exciting stuff going on here!

Homie and I are going on a date tonight.... We've decided on the Kabuki Restaurant at Westgate.
Hopefully it won't be too crowded with tomorrow being Valentine's Day - I hope everyone else waits until tomorrow to go out!

We've canceled the camping plans for next weekend - it's too cold! I don't enjoy being cold - the campfire is nice, but I'd be standing next too it all day and all night!
So maybe we'll just take drive up north and do something else!

Happy Valentine's Day everybody!!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

It's definitely a soup day!

It's raining today - cloudy and ugly. Although the high is supposed to be 61 degrees, it's chilly right now. I didn't even think about giving the boys their umbrellas - they'll be sad - they hardly ever have the chance to use them.
We're going to have some meatball soup and crescent rolls (possibly some grilled cheese too)tonight -- because it's totally a soup day!!!!!
We did not go to the Renaissance Festival yesterday because we didn't want to trek through puddles of mud. We are planning on going next weekend. And this time, for the first time ever - we will be all decked out in Medieval garb!!! It's so exciting!! I can't wait to go and have fun and take some pictures to post!!!!
Yesterday we went out shopping - Target, JoAnne's, Kohl's and on line! It was great fun and it was so easy to spend way tooooo much!
We had lunch at TGIFridays - that was yummy. The fried green beans are the best! The Jack Daniels Burger is pretty good too. Jeff had the California Club and the boys both had pizza.
Saturday the boys had a surprise birthday party to go to for their friend Eric. They had fun with the trampoline, chickens, geese, dogs, cake, burgers and hot dogs. I only heard about it second hand because I was stuck at work. At least work was busy - that was a nice change!
I finally started reading "Eclipse" by Stephenie Meyer - the third book in the "Twilight" series. Everyone raved about how great these stories were - I'm kind of disappointed. I liked the first book, the second one really stunk, I'm hoping the third one gets better! I really need to write my own book - then everyone can critique me -- yeah, I won't look forward to that part, but I really do want to write a book one of these days.
There hasn't been anything very exciting going on, so I haven't had much to blog about. I hope we aren't boring anybody!!!! LOL

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday

We are heading to Amy and Jim's house to watch the game.
The boys have ants in their pants!!
They cannot wait to go!!!!
Such football fans, they are!
Not really - they just can't wait to play with their friends.
I just want the game to be over and
I want to know who wins without actually having to watch!!!

We went to WalMart again and managed to spend a ton of money.
I got a pedicure (yes, I spent even more money).
My toes are happy and blue.
We are planning on going camping in a couple of weeks!
Can't wait!! Camping is always fun!